martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


How can organizational capital become a source of advantage in International Business?

According to Steward (1991), organizational capital can be defined as culture, implicit and explicit knowledge, formal and informal, organization learning, etc. In this sense, it can become a source of advantage in International Business if those facts are practiced for the organization's well-being. For example, if an organization has culture of service, responsibility, punctuality and respect for costumers and workers, it would probably get an advantage over the other organizations that do not have those cultural characteristics. It can be seen as a good place for working, or having relationships with. If it also has knowledge and organization learning, it can mean to people outside the organization that it has experience doing what the organization does, leading people to think confindently on it, and contributing to the advantages of having organizational capital.

Organizations. Retrieved on february 8th from:

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