miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Ethical Behavior and International Business Workshop

1. What does the statement "all capitalism is crony capitalism" is referring to? Do you agree with this statement or not? Give an example.

This statement is refering to the idea of the "friendship" that these two big business have: Enterprises and Media. Capitalism main actors are now corporations, and the way they establish public relations (lobbying I prefer to call it) shapes their incomes in the global arena. So, in order to lobby, their main goal is to have good relations with Media, getting to manipulation of information to benefit 100%. That is why capitalism  can be considered as crony capitalism.

I agree with this statement, as well as with P. Sainath said in the article. For example in Colombia, this happens the same way: You cannot watch news without realizing that journalists and channels take some sort of position when trying to "inform" events to people. Same with kind of information: normally, you will get info depending on the position, they can leave out information that can affect their interests, and show other info to foster good concepts favoring their interests. Media are not neutral at all. Media have not ethical behavior.

2. What is a Banana Republic? Why the author is comparing India with a Banana Republic?

A Banana Republic is a concept that was developed to describe one nation that is not so powerful, unstable and poor (maybe some countries in Third World can be named Banana Republics, being rude with this name... Are Latin American countries like this?) Banana Republics also are characterized by corruption, they survive only with certain products not so significant, and they have put some of the power in the hands of BIG corporations (Again Latin America, Asia or Africa?) 

India has been compared to a Banana Republic since this country has been victim of high levels of corruption, and with the problem of the Radia Tapes it can be proved that big business hold power in their hands: Media and Enterprises. This is a essential characteristic of Banana Republics. That is why India can be compared to a Banana Republic.

3. Why is it problematic that in the business world "The Media" becomes a corporation?

It is problematic due to the fact that Corporations lead their strategies and actions towards interests, and to be more accurate, economic interests. So, if  Media is a corporation probably will not: 
  • Worry about what information is the right one, but the most convenient one.
  • Care about damages done to others if they can profit from situations.
  • Follow rules if doing so requires losing opportunities.

4. In this situation, what behaviors are considered unethical for corporations, journalist and the state?
  • Missing honesty from journalists
  • Lack of neutrality in information
  • Inability to show what is actually happening, but
  • Ability to hide what is not convenient
  • Corporations making "alliances" to get profit in exchange of not ventilating scandals or problems (corruption)
  • State giving "carte blanche" to others to act anyway, holding eyes closed to events
  • State supporting certain ways of corruption

5. What can The Media, Corporations and the States do in order to behave ethically and in the benefit of the people and not their own interest. Give at least 5 good ideas.

Really difficult to think about, Corporations as well as Media are moved by economic interests that cannot be erased from one day to another, and just start to think about people's welfare. Same with States. But from one point of view, it can be done:
  • Implement strategies to control what actions take States when Corporations enter and try to influence certain aspects.
  • Make Corporations follow some ethical steps when entering or playing in some scenarios.
  • Strengthen punishment for those who do not follow rules of ethical behavior (Some States are characterized by high degrees of corruption in legal areas)
  • Media could be done by people from different spheres so we can see high participation of normal people, that can tell what they see and say what they think.
  • Strengthen levels of education, to build in future more people acting towards ethics.

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