martes, 8 de febrero de 2011

National and Organizational Culture

Culture. Retrieved on february 8th from:
Studying culture is a very important activity because it can be a tool that helps to understand the mechanics and the way people act  or behave within a company, but it also has to be taken into account that other aspects are essential when analyzing the organization's environment. In this sense, the importance of culture depends on:
  • Particular circumstances
  • Interests of the analyst
Now talking about international management (the way of planning international business' activities, according to O' Conell, 1998), we cay say that there are some factors influencing internally or externally the decision making process, leading to a constant reinterpretation of the environment, allowing culture to re-shape some aspects in organizations.
Corporate Culture. Retrieved on february 8th from:
If we continue describing in some way culture, another aspect that has to be mentioned is the concept of "National Culture", defining it as "something" that distinguishes people from one group to another, and includes values transmitted from one generation to the next coming through time.

In this sense, if cultures and values go from one generation to another one, we can affirm too that culture is learned, and it is influenced by beliefs (religion, for instance), or even ideologies. Having on the table all these facts, we should learn how to deal with cultural diversity within organizations, since it could bring opportunities as well as problems (diversification or misunderstandings). Finally, what is important to say is if culture is managd in a proper way, cultural diversity brings more creativity and a sense of variety that can improve the organization's performance.

Video: "Cultura organizacional y orientación al cliente". Retrieved on february 8th, from: 

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