lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

God in America - Drama Documentary

This documentary was created a Drama Documentary created by PBS  (co-production of AMERICAN EXPERIENCE and FRONTLINE) to illustrate the "tumultuous 400 year-history of "intersection of religion and public life in America".

This is a short video regading the documentary:
God in America. (2010) Retrieved on May 16th, 2011 from:

In this link you can find the all documentary:

Religion and International Business workshop

1. How can we create an ethical relationship between religion and business so that they may cooperate towards a more sustainable and respectful development of life?

It is very difficult to say that religion and business will change the view of an economy looking for sustainability, because there are other factors influencing such a type of economy nowadays. What is very important is to take into account that this system is not sustainable in the sense that we produce and waste in a linear process, considering the world as infinite, but it should be like a cycle, so we produce, waste and recycle, having a better understanding of this finite world. 

However, I would do the excercise of gathering certain "features" of different religions that care about resources and the way of wasting them, while taking the working abilities and desires from others, so we can create an equilibrium  with them, developing that way a "sustainable and respectful development of life".

2. Can you imagine a world without religion where everyone would be trying to get inmediate satisfaction to ther individual needs?

It is well said that this world we live nowadays follows a "new religion" which is Capitalism, where everyone try to get inmediate satisfaction to their individual needs, even though these needs are not satisfied: every time people look for more and more, because that is the idea of this economic system: spend and waste, and to achieve this it was necessary to create needs.

On the other hand, I can not imagine a world without religion, because those religious beliefs are necessary for people to move on in the society. I mean, it is really hard to think about a world where people try to get their individual needs, because it will simply not be sustainable. People with selfish interests would create a struggle for power, which at the end would cause an imbalance between them. For me, this is what is happening now: a crescent tendency to think about oneself, without any care for the others.

3. Religion can create networks of trust and familiarity that facilitate economic transactions. Can you name other positive aspects of this relationship?

- Same as culture, it creates a sense of belonging to a particular group of people.
- It can create good attitudes towards work.
- It can create sets of values enhancing community creation.
- Some religions can boost economies by their beliefs regarding work and production.
- Some religions can bring the economic system good relationships with animals and living creatures, which stimulates respect for earth and resources.
- Sense of dignity and respect for people.

4. Do you think that stereotyping based on religion has been influenced by economic or political interests, why, whose? What is the role of the media in this issue?

I think that both religion and economic/political interests influence each other and create stereotypes. In that sense, interests can influence religion to be according to the ongoing trend of comsumption and waste. That is why religions have become a business for many people, and actually that business is really profitable.

On the other hand, Religion influences economic/political interests when for example, a state is guided by some precepts according to religious beliefs in the country, which at the end shape the economic or political system of a country, people's way of acting, perceptions, and creates stereotypes, which at the end can boost or stagnate systems.

The role of Media there is that it acts as the way to intercede for economic/political interests of the most powerful, and can manipulate opinions, but also can be manipulated by certain ideas. Media is the motor moving ideas, perceptions, interests of people around the world. 

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Religious implications for International Business

To illustrate the role of religion in business, this video is a practice tool because it examines the Protestant work ethics and its relation to the Spirit of Capitalism, according to Max Weber:

Weber's Protestant ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. (2008). Retrieved on May 9th, 2011 from:

So now, which is the difference between this and Catholicism?

It is said that working from a catholic perpective is seen as pain, since the human kind commited sin to God, it started to be painful and disgusting, more than an activity that would lead human kind to be successful. In that sense, people will not work because of motivation and commitment to a specific cause, but because of an obligation, a need of purging the "Original sin".

According to this, does religion shape the economic systems and business? If so, would it be necessary changing religious beliefs to boost economy and development in weak economies?

-Weber's Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism. (2008). Retrieved on May 9th, 2011 from:

- Hartman, L. and Werhane, P. (2009). The Global Corporation: Sustainable, Effective and Ethical Practices-A Case Book. Routledge, New York. Chapter 5 , Pp. 168-181. (Islamic Banking and Finance - Moral beliefs and  Business practices at work).

Managing diversity

- Slater, Stanley F., Weigand, Robert A., Zweilein, Thomas J., 2008. "The business case for commitment to diversity". Business Horizons 51: 201-209.

- Thomas, David A., 2004. "Diversity as strategy", Harvard Business Review, September 2004, 98-108.

Virtual Teams

A virtual team can be considered as a group pursuing the same goal, formed by different skilled people separated geographically. This form of team is getting highly used these days due to the following facts:
  • New alliances, different partners around the world.
  • Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Telecommuting, building communities with people in many places.
  • Need for business travel, and need of technology to support this.
  • Need of reducing costs.
  • Need of reducing time-to-market or cycle time.
It is necessary to think about the differences that arise in virtual teams since they involve the lack of physical presence:
  • No face-to-face communication
  • Lack of community among participants
  • Lack of immediate managerial oversight
  • Need of strong leadership skills
  • Well-defined conflict resolution strategies
  • Responsibility skills
The following is a video about "Team and a Dream", an organization about Virtual teams and how they use them for "Internet Startups":

Shuda, Skip. Building and using virtual teams (2008). Retrieved on May 9th, 2011 from:

-Kuruppuarachchi, Palitha R. 2009. "Virtual team concepts in projects: A case study". Project Management Journal 40, no. 2: 19-33.

-Shuda, Skip. 2008. "Building and using virtual teams" Retrieved on May 9th, 2011 from:

The Role of Organizational Culture in merging processes

In processes of Merging and Acquisitions, it is necessary to build a Corporate Strategy. This is defined as a proper Decision Making process, where objectives, purposes, goals and means to attain them are well defined, to lead the organization to success.

Inside a Corporate Strategy, there are two kinds of strategies which are:
  • Low-growth: It is not intended to change, it only focuses on limited special opportunities to the organization.
  • Forced-growth: It can include acquisition of competitors, which means vertical integration, geographical expansion and diversification.
It has to be taken into account that a Corporate Strategy is different from a Business Strategy because the last one only focuses on products, so it is a "narrow strategy".

Merging process:
One corporation absorbs the corporate structure of another, so only one company retains its identity, but it involves exchange of stock avoiding taxes in that way.

One company taking over controlling interest in another company. Normally, it shows an acculturative process in which cultural changes result from the interaction of one organizational culture with another.

Alzira Salama, Wayne Holland, Gerald Vinten (2003). "Challenges and opportunities in mergers and acquisitions: three international case studies - Deutsche Bank-Bankers trust; British Petroleum-Amoco; Ford-Volvo". Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 27 Iss: 6, pp. 313-321

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


Think on walls (Physical and symbolic) used to stop migration, list arguments in favor and against them.

When I think about walls, definitely I cannot only refer to the wall built in Mexico to avoid the migration of Mexicans to USA, but about other walls built in different times to separe countries or cultures and avoid the migration of ones (generally poorer) to the other regions that represented more opportunities for them.

If I made a list of them, they would be:
- Great wall in China
- Berlin wall
- Apartheid wall (Cisjordania wall)
- Frontier wall between Mexico and USA

Off course all of them have different connotations, according to the time and according to the purpose of them. What is common among them is that besides the avoidance of migration, they did not allow spread of culture to emerge. They just enclosed one region to avoid the invasion of groups of people with different behaviors, different ways of government and different interests... Also looking for different opportunities.

The word in the last paragraph  is "different", and maybe that is the idea of builiding a wall to separe (can be physical or also a symbolic barrier): Fear. Fear of feeling invaded by other culture with differences, with ability to work more for less, fear of losing control over regions.

In general, establishing barriers in order for people not to enter to a country has many reasons: Cultural, economic, social, human... Cultural, the mentioned before. Economic, to prevent the increase of foreign labor taking the jobs supposed to nationals. Social, to avoid the inclusion of other cultures (avoiding inclusion leading exclusion) and Human, since we have a sense of territoriality and we protect the place we live in.

For me, there are no reasons to be in favour or against barriers for movement of people. Which is clear for me is that, when those barriers lead to exclusion and discrimination, equity cannot emerge, and is in this part when those barriers become a destructive weapon for societies.  


Which ones are the main Cultural differences in Non-verbal communication?

When we talk about non-verbal communication, we talk about:

Proxemics (how people manage the appropiate physical distance when interacting with others),
Kinesics (as the expressive meaning of corporal movements according to the culture they are used),
Facial and eye behavior and
Paralanguage (where is more important how people say things rather than what people say: tone, loudness, tempo, duration).

In that sense, for one culture it can be very familiar to talk to a person you do not know so near to him/her, while for other culture it can be considered disrespectful (proxemics).

If it is about kinesics, in one culture moving your head un and down can mean "yes", while for another one it can mean exactly the opposite: "no"!

With facial and eye behavior, we can find that some cultures are very inexpressive when talking (Austrians, for example), while people from Italy, Spain, Latinamerica are considered to be very expressive.

In Paralanguage, if we compare how people from Britain speak and people from Australia do, we can find big differences in tone and stress in some words. Not going so far, differences in communication emerge in regions in the same country (people from Antioquia, Bogotá, Atlantic Coast speak very different even though they speak Spanish).

Here, you have a video where different usages of languages are seen specially in young people, from a "Spanish" perspective:

Resource: La fuerza de las palabras. Canal Sur 2, Andalucía (2008). Retrieved on April 14th, 2011 from:

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Migrant workers & Expatriates

Migration issues make part of this growing trend of globalization, it is an inherent process nowadays. However, there are a lot of motivations to be a migrant or expatriate according to the main interests or current situation of people around the world.

One person can be a migrant or expatriate for some aspects:

Push factors:
- Violence
- Political and Economical instability
- Environment

Pull factors:
- Freedom in various aspects
- Working opportunities
- Education

In this video, you can see how many people see migration as a factor that affects or favors regions, from the scenario of inmigrants to USA from England. It has to be taken into account that is one of many perspectives, and should be interpreted just as the authors' point of view.

The Inmigration debate: Supernews! (2006). Retrieved on April 8th, 2011 from:

Which is the difference between migrants and expatriates?
This difference goes on the motivations or the situation of people. An expatriate generally is a skilled person that goes abroad because of job tasks. Normally companies send people to work in other headquarters around the world. In contrast, one migrant can be one person that goes abroad to search for better job opportunities. In the case of expatriates, as they are skilled labor force, Brain Drain or Brain Gain can appear. Brain Drain is known as the phenomenon when professional people go outside to work, and the profits from that work go to the host country, which experiments Brain Gain.

-Business dictionary online. Definition of Brain Drain. Retrieved on january the 5th2011 from:

-The Inmigration debate: Supernews! (2006). Retrieved on April 8th, 2011 from:

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

10 "impressing" conspiracy theories:

They were published by a British newspaper, and they talk pretty much about some recent happenings in the world. There were actually 30, but there are going to be shown just the first 10. Many of them are well known:

1. 11th september, 2001: talks about the fact that US troops did not act when needed, and that buildings were intentionally destructed by the US government.

11th september. Retrieved on March 20th from:
2. John F. Kennedy 's assassination: shoots given from different angles. Possibility of other murderers, he was maybe killed because of what he represented for US society.

John F. Kennedy. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
3. One OVNI hit in Roswell in 1947: It hit in New Mexico, and it marked the beginning of some sort of conspiracy theories about OVNIS and invasions from the space. In the same episode, there are some people that said they participated in autopsies done to aliens.

Roswell crash. Retrieved on March 20th from:
4. Arrival to the moon: deceit from NASA: the moon-landing was created to make people believe they were in the moon. Because of this, they destructed all kind of evidence: pictures, videos, rock samples, etc. 

Moon-landing. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
 5. The Illuminati group and the New World Order: Powerful groups gathering and organizing to manage the world with one central government. They are supposed to finance politics and control minds through propaganda and fear.

Illuminati dollar. Retrieved on March 20th from:
6. Conspiration from Jesus: The idea of Jesus getting married with Maria Magdalena and having descendence, helped by the Priory of Sion, becoming later the Merovingian dinasty.

Sangrail. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
7. Princess Diana of Wales was murdered: Although there is no evidence of this, many people argue that this was planned by the British Secret Service, because it was not convenient the relationship she had with Fayed. The driver's blood was changed with another blood with evidence of liquor. 

Princess Diana death. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
 8. Elvis Presley simulated his own death: It is said that Presley continues alive and hiding himself for various reasons. They started to talk about it because of some photo evidence, and also for his name in the tablet : Aaron, instead of Aron (his real name).

Elvis Alive. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
9. Operation Northwoods: This was a real conspiration in which the US accused Cuba of terrorism in the country, so the US had to attack Cuba to prevent and protect the country. Kennedy aborted the operation, and that can be a reason of his murder.

Operation Northwoods. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:
10. MK-Ultra Program: this program, consistent on some practices of mind control and chemical questionings, started in 1950 in US and it is supposed that was used until 1960. Some people argue that it continues to be used in secret in the country.

MK - Ultra files. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:

When painting and graffiting is just opening your heart... and your mind:

I found Banksy, one big artist of recent years... One person that can show with colors, images and paintings what is reality for him, no matter if no one knows about him and his life. And maybe for many of us, reality can be like this.

Discovering Banksy is discovering society from a realist and surrealist point of view. It is demonstrating that life itself has its own glories, prejudices and loses. It is seeing what the others can see or even experiment, what the others are, what you and me can be. What CULTURE means!

Here you have some of its work, expecting you appreciate it... And expecting you can experience what I did!
Flower. Banksy (2007). Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:

Naked man. Banksy (1994). Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:

Cisjordania barrier. Banksy (2005). Retrieved on March 20th from:

Little lady. Banksy (2007). Retrieved on March  20th from:

Cisjordania barrier II. Banksy (2005). Retrieved on March 20th from:

No name. Banksy. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:

Music outside us?

It is very interesting to hear that music or sounds were created in Earth... When you can hear that planets outside have their proper sounds. It is fascinating to listen to other sounds that can transport your soul "millions of light years".

This definitely makes me think that we are not the center of this big system, just a little bit of it. Enjoy these sounds, they are transformed into audible patterns from the electromagnetic waves that planets generate.

Go straight to this link to listen to the Universe Music... It's amazing! :

It is important to mention that this information is extracted from the US government (NASA), and it can change from one resource to another one.

Spooky sounds. Retrieved on March 20th, 2011 from:

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Convergence and Divergence discussion:

1. Mention some positive and negative outputs of an homogenization of international business management strategies (Convergence) and of the differentiation (Divergence school).

- Common values generate development processes easier for the organization.
- Building of networks to make "integration processes" less complex.
- Cost advantages/Flexibility.
- Reducing barriers (Economic or Governmental)

-  Conflicts about wages and costs (low cost labor)
- Not diversity in processes, not taking into account different scenarios and situations.

- Gain some advantages from the differentiated position.
- Creation of different management styles. Diversity.

- Resistant in some extent to change.
- Complex relationships due to diversity in management styles.

2. Name at least 3 corporations who have converged their management strategies when reaching foreign markets:


3. Name at least 3 corporations (business) who have differentiated their strategies when reaching foreign markets:

- Carrefour
- Telefónica
- Johnson & Johnson

4. Do you think we have similar business structures like Chaebol or Keiretsu? Describe one Colombian business structure.
Yes, for example we have Leonisa. It is a business structure where they produce underwear for women and men. It was created in 1956 and nowadays it belongs to the family of its founders: Joaquín Urrea Urrea and Julio Urrea. It has built up its image with the idea of being a Colombian company with high quality and interest on innovation and exploring new markets. Leonisa has expanded its operations and now it has presence in:
Aruba, Bonaire, Curazao, Bolivia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Panama, Canada, USA, Russia, Guatemala, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Peru, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Uruguay.

It is similar to Chaebol business structure since it has belonged to one family through the years and according to some sort of tradition, and I think that is one important characteristic of business units in Colombia: they have been marked by the idea of families holding them and creating them in order to develop and get what they need in order to fulfill needs in families.

Leadership Styles and Management Styles

Main Ideas on Leadership and Management Styles:
  • Consensus and sense of responsibility: Consensus would be the idea of making all members of an organization to participate in Decision Making processes, and getting to agreements in some extent so consensus creates a good environment to work in. Responsibility would be assuming the consequences of the agreements.
  • In some organizations (In Germany, for example) consensus is omnipresent. It has an important part in day-to-day management.
  • "The way a company functions varies according to defferent professional sectors" (Piette, 2004)
  • "When there is a consensus, it is not possible to change it" (Piette, 2004) Making decisions is a serious process where consensus takes an important role. The question would be if it is just consensus or passive obedience towards the decisions taken before.
  • Consensus in participative Decision Making processes is very important because a chance for everybody to be listened is given, so it is an inclusive process.

Leadership. Retrieved on March 6th, 2011 from:
Management Style similar and distinct across borders:
  • Labeled Convergence: As countries develop, mamagement styles will converge to a model found in developed countries. (Lee et al., 2000)
  • Comparative Cultural Approach: A wider set of cultural norms in each society is a powerful force for differentiation across borders. (Lee et al., 2000)
  • Japanese firms, for example believe in consensus and group loyalty as principles within organizations, according to Lee et al. in their study on Japanese firms in 2000.
  • Internal as well as external factors are key issues when shaping Management Styles across borders. For example, "National culture is an important determinant of a national management system". (Lee et al., 2000)
  • Sometimes, firms try to solve managerial problems by imitating practices of other organizations, but it has to be taken into account the main characteristics of the organization. If don't, these strategies can lead to failures.

Management. Retrieved on March 6th from:

  • Cultural embeddedness and technological capability are influential on the strategic business model of the emerging markets under globalization. They can work together in complementary ways to create competitive advantages. (Gupta, 2003)

-Piette, Jean-Jacques. 2004. "Understanding management German style". Les amis de l'école de Paris.

-Lee, Jangho, Thomas W. Roehl, & Soonkyoo Choe. 2000. "What makes management style similar and distinct across borders?" Growth, Experience and Culture in Korean and Japanese firms. 631-52.

-Gupta, V, Wang, J. (2003) "Globalization and Convergence - Divergence debate: Strategic Perspectives for Emerging Markets". Journal of business and economics research. February 2003, Vol. 1 Iss: 2.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Leadership Styles and Management Styles Discussion:

How should followers react when they don't agree with their managers' directions?

How they should react... As they are followers, their actions will be according to what he managers says. I mean, if they do not agree, they should do so because it is the role they have within the organization. If they were not followers, they would probably participate in Decision Making Processes, and that way the will not have to accept decisions without agreeing with them.

Usually, reactions are complicated, bacause followers would do something they do not like, meaning with it that working within the organization could become hard or disgusting. That is why I think Decision Making Processes should include and take into account other's oppinions, even though in organizations followers "are needed"... Are they really needed?

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Ethical Behavior and International Business Workshop

1. What does the statement "all capitalism is crony capitalism" is referring to? Do you agree with this statement or not? Give an example.

This statement is refering to the idea of the "friendship" that these two big business have: Enterprises and Media. Capitalism main actors are now corporations, and the way they establish public relations (lobbying I prefer to call it) shapes their incomes in the global arena. So, in order to lobby, their main goal is to have good relations with Media, getting to manipulation of information to benefit 100%. That is why capitalism  can be considered as crony capitalism.

I agree with this statement, as well as with P. Sainath said in the article. For example in Colombia, this happens the same way: You cannot watch news without realizing that journalists and channels take some sort of position when trying to "inform" events to people. Same with kind of information: normally, you will get info depending on the position, they can leave out information that can affect their interests, and show other info to foster good concepts favoring their interests. Media are not neutral at all. Media have not ethical behavior.

2. What is a Banana Republic? Why the author is comparing India with a Banana Republic?

A Banana Republic is a concept that was developed to describe one nation that is not so powerful, unstable and poor (maybe some countries in Third World can be named Banana Republics, being rude with this name... Are Latin American countries like this?) Banana Republics also are characterized by corruption, they survive only with certain products not so significant, and they have put some of the power in the hands of BIG corporations (Again Latin America, Asia or Africa?) 

India has been compared to a Banana Republic since this country has been victim of high levels of corruption, and with the problem of the Radia Tapes it can be proved that big business hold power in their hands: Media and Enterprises. This is a essential characteristic of Banana Republics. That is why India can be compared to a Banana Republic.

3. Why is it problematic that in the business world "The Media" becomes a corporation?

It is problematic due to the fact that Corporations lead their strategies and actions towards interests, and to be more accurate, economic interests. So, if  Media is a corporation probably will not: 
  • Worry about what information is the right one, but the most convenient one.
  • Care about damages done to others if they can profit from situations.
  • Follow rules if doing so requires losing opportunities.

4. In this situation, what behaviors are considered unethical for corporations, journalist and the state?
  • Missing honesty from journalists
  • Lack of neutrality in information
  • Inability to show what is actually happening, but
  • Ability to hide what is not convenient
  • Corporations making "alliances" to get profit in exchange of not ventilating scandals or problems (corruption)
  • State giving "carte blanche" to others to act anyway, holding eyes closed to events
  • State supporting certain ways of corruption

5. What can The Media, Corporations and the States do in order to behave ethically and in the benefit of the people and not their own interest. Give at least 5 good ideas.

Really difficult to think about, Corporations as well as Media are moved by economic interests that cannot be erased from one day to another, and just start to think about people's welfare. Same with States. But from one point of view, it can be done:
  • Implement strategies to control what actions take States when Corporations enter and try to influence certain aspects.
  • Make Corporations follow some ethical steps when entering or playing in some scenarios.
  • Strengthen punishment for those who do not follow rules of ethical behavior (Some States are characterized by high degrees of corruption in legal areas)
  • Media could be done by people from different spheres so we can see high participation of normal people, that can tell what they see and say what they think.
  • Strengthen levels of education, to build in future more people acting towards ethics.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Discussion: The Corporation (film)

How can we ensure corporations are held accountable for their actions "legally" and "ethically"?

It is really difficult to ensure because sometimes corporations have support of governmental institutions to do "what they want", and with that support they get profit so they would stay silent if there are violations in terms of law and ethics. If not, probably corporations would change place of operations to move to other places where restrictions are not so strong. That is why we can consider corporations not able to accomplish rules of social behavior according to the movie.

Should individuals (directors, employees, shareholders) bear any responsibility for the actions of a corporation? If so, on what degree?

There is a matter of attitudes and behavior since one person working for a company can have a set of values that can make him or her behave in a certain way but believe in another totally different, and it happens because as people are part of the system, they have to get what they "need" to survive, and if it implicates to go over and do not care about others, they will probably do so. I think it would be good to have employees that can work ethically and in a responsible way so they can admit what actions take in corporations in a certain degree.

What are the benefits of the corporate form? Could an alternative model offer them as well?

-Possibility of having property
-Having power for domination
-Be taken as "person" for the laws, so they are treated same way (more benefits for corporations)

An alternative model would maybe  implicate more restrictions and less benefits for them, that is why corporations have been so successful in recent years, and there is a controversial point: corporation as person, person as target; people are not being treated as it should be, they are only the mean for corporations to get profit through manipulation of "consumer's perceptions". So corporations can be successful only if this model continues, overlapping interests to people (consumers).

Search for a foreign multinational corporation that has operations in Colombia. Research if they are run under colombian rules or regulations or if they have special regulations?

Nestlé. They get to countries through "Corporative principles" and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). According to Iván Cepeda Castro, journalist for El Espectador, multinationals are implanted violently in Colombia, and they try to accumulate desperately capitals, but those two facts are not possible without the state power that allows them to do so, to auspiciate directly "every kind of abuses and massive acts of criminality". For Cepeda, that is the real law that can lead the pleasure of politicians in Colombia. And for me, it can be in some extent the truth, because sometimes the government/state overlook some actions of multinationals that affect colombian society, just because they are getting huge profits. What I can consider also truth is that, when there is absence of state in certain countries (target for MNCs), Multinationals become the force of the state, and they get the power and support to do what they want.  

Should economic efficiency (main argument for privatization) be primary concern for common and public services? Are there other criteria to determine who should own or operate them?

Not only economic efficiency but also common welfare should be primary concerns. What is contradictory is that, as the video showa, public institutions (supposed to care about common welfare) are less efficient since they can operate with no profit, so probably we can see privatization as the solution and the correct path to get profit. I think that is the reason why corporations are so strong. There should be of course some other criteria so private companies be aware of what actions can generate. For me, criteria would be:

- Common welfare.
- Damages done to the environment, people, development, sustainability, cultures, etc.
- Shared profit: Possibility of sharing success between corporations and places they work (normally poor or less -  developed countries).
- Level of commitment, loyalty and responsibility.

- Cepeda Castro, Iván. La ley de las multinacionales (2007). El Espectador. Retrieved on: February 14th, 2011 from:

-The Corporation - Film (Documentary) (Achbar, M - Abbott, J. 2003).

Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

"Continued MNC proliferation paradoxically diminishes the relative power of individual enterprises and reduces their effective autonomy" (Kline, 2006) 

Starting with this phrase is a good way to understand how powerful MNCs have become during last years. One MNC becomes powerful by its specific characteristics: can operate in several countries but it is centralized or managed fro headquarters in only one. The question is: Are MNCs menacing "making decision's processes" in countries where they arrive?

MNCs. Retrieved on february 17th from:
When we talk about the menace MNCs have on "making decision's processes", we talk about the political and economic power they have when arriving to a new country, so they can decide or at least push for decisions in order to obtain more profit, and that is one of the main criticisms that have been made to MNCs. Some people tend to see them as the savers (in less developed countries): it happens because normally, an arriving MNC starts to push for development in the region to operate in a proper way, so the MNC asumes the absence of state: Education, Human Rights, opportunities for people, Health (which are part of the state's job) became part of the MNCs obligations, so they act as the "new form of state".

In this place is when "no loyalty" arrives. MNCs start to get profits after giving development to the region. But then, when they have run out all resources, they relocate in other places that can give them more and more profits. They do not keep any stable relation with the regions they have been before. Mostly of the times, the isolated population goes back to poverty.

What is the pure truth is that MNCs will continue growing and increasing presence in almost all countries. Now, what they have to do is to adjuste some operation politics, because this system can not be sustainable for much time. MNCs should try to adapt the way how they relate to society, environment, economics, otherwise crisis would be the rule, not the exception.

Kline, John M. 2006. "MNCs and Surrogate Sovereignty". Brown Journal of World Affairs 13, Iss: 1, pp. 123-133. 

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011


Is economic retribution enough to motivate employees?

Economic retribution is important but is not the most. It has to be taken into account that one employee gets motivated too when he or she has the opportunity to go up in the labor ladder, when it is also a good work environment so there is no tension "in the air", when he or she can work with conscience and without the pressure of being treated in a wrong way, and when there are opportunities of social and personal improvement.

Also, it is important to say that economic retribution can be a motivator, but it can not work in a proper way, because people would do whatever it takes to get the money, no matter upper consequences and integral performance. 

Economic retribution. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:


Motivation, can be considered one very influencing factor for the performance of employees within an organization. It is the motor that makes people work and feel a sense of reward in their job.

To describe motivation, there have been many scholars that have tried to show different ideas of motivation theories:

1. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs:
Maslow's hierarchy of needs.png
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:'s_hierarchy_of_needs

 2. Frederick Herzberg's Two Factors Theory:

Frederick Herzberg's Two Factors Theory. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:

3. Douglas McGregor: Theory X and Theory Y:

Theory X and Theory Y. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:

Theory X: Workers tend to need coercion to work "properly", and they prefer to be directed.
Theory Y: Workers like to seek for responsibilities, work is natural and the worker try to achieve objectives.

4. The Expectancy Theory:
The Expectancy Theory. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:
5. The Equity Theory:

The Equity Formula. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:

This theory is about one's perceptions according to a comparation made with another one treated in different or equal conditions.

6. The Fifty - Fifty Rule: 
The Fifty/Fifty Rule. Retrieved on february 15th, 2011 from:

"A substantial part of motivation lies within a person while a substantial part lies outside and beyond its control" (Adair, 2006).

martes, 8 de febrero de 2011


How can organizational capital become a source of advantage in International Business?

According to Steward (1991), organizational capital can be defined as culture, implicit and explicit knowledge, formal and informal, organization learning, etc. In this sense, it can become a source of advantage in International Business if those facts are practiced for the organization's well-being. For example, if an organization has culture of service, responsibility, punctuality and respect for costumers and workers, it would probably get an advantage over the other organizations that do not have those cultural characteristics. It can be seen as a good place for working, or having relationships with. If it also has knowledge and organization learning, it can mean to people outside the organization that it has experience doing what the organization does, leading people to think confindently on it, and contributing to the advantages of having organizational capital.

Organizations. Retrieved on february 8th from:

Attitudes and Values

Attitude formation:

  1. Social Learning (Easier to change)
  2. Direct experience (More difficult to change)
 Types of Attitudes:
  1. Affective
  2. Cognitive
  3. Conative
  4. Evaluative
Cognitive disonance: Tension when experiencing conflict between attitude and behavior.

Intellectual capital assets:
  • Human
  • Tecnhological
  • Organizational
  • Business
  • Social

Intellectual capital. Retrieved on february 8th, 2011 from:


Why is it important for managers and employees to be able to understand different types of personalities?

It gets to be really important since it is a way in which both managers and employees asume their rôles in the organization according to what is needed and the organization's main goals. 
Also, it has to be taken into account that different personalities enrich the organization's environment, giving creativity and different points of view, complementing in such a way other's job. Finally, by understanding different types of personalities, threats or conflicts can be solved in a proper maner, giving more fluency to relations in the organization.
Four basic personality types. Retrieved on february 8th, 2011 from:

Personality, Perception and Attribution

 Personality theories:
  1. trait theory: behavior patterns divided into detailed characteristics.
  2. Psychodynamic theory: unconscious determinants of behavior.
  3. Humanistic theory: Individual growth and development
  4. Integrative approach: Personal + situational variables.
Personality affected by:
  • Perceiver
  • Target
  • Situation


Do you think corporate culture is a way to manipulate employees?

"Culture is nothing but a control system" (Spengler, 1980)

Corporate Culture. Retrieved on february 8th from:

Making reference to this particular phrase, Corporate Culture can be taken as the way managers and organizations have in order to preserve the uniformity and keep the control they have in employees. For example, one person working in a company having high degrees of corporate culture, can feel so tied to the system, not meaning that the employee loves working for that company, because corporate culture can "manage" at a certain point attitudes, but not behavior. Corporate culture in that way, can manipulate employees in the name of the company, because it tries to create a sense of belonging, and sometimes can quash specific culture manifestations that could be enriching to the organization.

National and Organizational Culture

Culture. Retrieved on february 8th from:
Studying culture is a very important activity because it can be a tool that helps to understand the mechanics and the way people act  or behave within a company, but it also has to be taken into account that other aspects are essential when analyzing the organization's environment. In this sense, the importance of culture depends on:
  • Particular circumstances
  • Interests of the analyst
Now talking about international management (the way of planning international business' activities, according to O' Conell, 1998), we cay say that there are some factors influencing internally or externally the decision making process, leading to a constant reinterpretation of the environment, allowing culture to re-shape some aspects in organizations.
Corporate Culture. Retrieved on february 8th from:
If we continue describing in some way culture, another aspect that has to be mentioned is the concept of "National Culture", defining it as "something" that distinguishes people from one group to another, and includes values transmitted from one generation to the next coming through time.

In this sense, if cultures and values go from one generation to another one, we can affirm too that culture is learned, and it is influenced by beliefs (religion, for instance), or even ideologies. Having on the table all these facts, we should learn how to deal with cultural diversity within organizations, since it could bring opportunities as well as problems (diversification or misunderstandings). Finally, what is important to say is if culture is managd in a proper way, cultural diversity brings more creativity and a sense of variety that can improve the organization's performance.

Video: "Cultura organizacional y orientación al cliente". Retrieved on february 8th, from: 

jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

Organizational Behavior

In an organizational environment, it is necessary to try to understand , predict, controle and describe human behavior. The study in charge of that is Organizational Behavior, and it is really important because it can analyse the impact behavior has in some organizational structures (Robbins & Langton, 2003), and also it helps on improving organizations' efectiveness. Finally, Organizational Behavior is also related to other disciplines, like Organizational Theory, Human Resources Management and Organizational Development.

But, if we talk about Organizational Behavior, it is essential to define first what is an Organization. According to the System Approach, it is a complex system created by individuals, creating relationships as a social system and has "life" on its own. In the organization, some objectives are built up:
- Human
- Organizational
- Social

While Human and Organizational objectives are looking for profit (considerating them "selfish" or "egocentric" objectives), Social objectives aim to share responsibility (i.e. CSR programs in Coca - Cola). Last but not least, we have to mention that there are some theoretical frameworks to explain behavior in organizations, like: Behavioristic, Cognitive Approach and Social Learning Approach. For further information, you can check out these links:

Positive Organizational behavior. Image for Positive Psychology News daily. Retrieved from:


Ashraf, T. Organizational Behavior. Jawaharlal Nehru University Publication. Pdf file. Retrieved on February 3, 2011 from:

Don, c. (2010) Big dog & little's dog performance yuxtaposition. Leadership and Organizational Behavior. Website retrieved on February 3, 2011 from :

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

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